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of sold properties

  • Sale Apartment Nice Rimiez

    Apartment, Nice

    Sale Apartment Nice Rimiez

    • €159,000
    • 2
    • 1
    • 1
    • 40 m²


  • Sale Twin Villa Villeneuve-Loubet

    Twin Villa, Villeneuve-Loubet

    Sale Twin Villa Villeneuve-Loubet

    • €275,000
    • 3
    • 34.44 m²


  • Sale Apartment Nice

    Apartment, Nice

    Sale Apartment Nice

    • €465,000
    • 4
    • 2
    • 1
    • 106 m²
  • Sale Carpark Nice Borriglione

    Carpark, Nice

    Sale Carpark Nice Borriglione

    • €55,000
    • 30 m²
  • Rental Parking Nice Rimiez

    Parking, Nice

    Rental Parking Nice Rimiez

    • €100 / Month
  • Sale House Nice

    House, Nice

    Sale House Nice

    • €860,000
    • 5
    • 1
    • 120 m²
  • Sale Apartment Nice

    Apartment, Nice

    Sale Apartment Nice

    • €398,000
    • 3
    • 70 m²


  • Rental Apartment Nice Cessole

    Apartment, Nice

    Rental Apartment Nice Cessole

    • €680 / Month
    • 1
    • 1
    • 38 m²


  • Rental Retail space Nice Carré d'or

    Retail space, Nice

    Rental Retail space Nice Carré d'or

    • €950 / Month
    • 1
    • 28 m²


  • Rental Business assets Nice Carré d'or

    Business assets, Nice

    Rental Business assets Nice Carré d'or

    • €950 / Month
    • 27.82 m²


  • Sale Apartment Nice Le Ray

    Apartment, Nice

    Sale Apartment Nice Le Ray

    • €179,000
    • 2
    • 59 m²


  • Rental Apartment Nice Libération

    Apartment, Nice

    Rental Apartment Nice Libération

    • €920 / Month
    • 2
    • 55 m²


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